Your Child Was Sexually Abused by a California Coach: What to Do Next? 2024

Discovering that your child was sexually abused by a California coach is an unimaginable shock for any parent. The combination of anger and guilt can be overwhelming. Parents may not be sure where to go to seek help. Having a better understanding of what to do in these situations can make a huge difference in the speed of your child’s recovery and holding the alleged abuser legally responsible for their actions.

Steps To Take Against Suspected Sexual Abuse

If you feel that your child has been abused by a coach, there are several steps you can take to not only seek the legal help you deserve but also provide your child with the supportive resources they need to recover. If you suspect your child has been abused, steps you can take include:

  • Ensure your child’s immediate safety. The first priority any parent should have after discovering such an upsetting event is to keep their child away from any more harm. You should immediately remove a child from any situation where they could be in contact with their coach or another abuser, like sports practice.You also want to report the situation to the school that hired the coach to ensure they can handle the disciplinary measures and prevent this from happening to another child.
  • Seek medical and emotional support. Once a child is physically safe, you want to put them in the hands of medical professionals. Even if there are no visible injuries, a physician should conduct a comprehensive examination of your child to ensure there are no immediate items to address. You should also consider putting your child in counseling, as they might feel more comfortable talking about what happened to a therapist rather than their parent.
  • Report the abuse to authorities. California coaches are in a position of trust, so any evidence that someone who is responsible for the well-being of children has sexually abused someone they should be protecting needs to be reported right away. File a report with both local law enforcement and child protective services. California law also requires certain professionals like teachers and healthcare providers to report any suspicion of sexual abuse.
  • Gather evidence. In order to prosecute the alleged coach for sexual abuse, you will need to present evidence to substantiate this claim. If, for example, you find any text messages or social media interactions between your child and the coach that pass the bounds of a normal conversation for this type of relationship, this could serve as a valid piece of evidence to prove abuse.Also, consider if there are any witnesses, like other students or teachers, who can testify to odd behavior they witnessed when the coach and victim interacted in the past.
  • Consult with a lawyer. It can be difficult to try and navigate the legal system after realizing your child was sexually abused by a California coach. To bridge any legal knowledge gaps you have and to assist during this emotionally treacherous time, hiring an experienced attorney in this space can be a huge help.They can start the process of holding the coach accountable while also ensuring no one tries to distort facts or take advantage of your child in the process.
  • Be there for your child. In the midst of seeking help and holding the coach responsible for their actions, you also want to be sure you are simply there for your child. Take time to listen to their concerns and validate the feelings they are sharing. Don’t pressure them to answer your questions, but rather let them speak about whatever they are comfortable sharing. Be patient with any emotional challenges that might arise in the process.
  • Monitor for long-term effects. Even years after the initial shock has passed and the coach has been held accountable, the symptoms of abuse can linger long-term. Be sure to keep your child in therapy for a while to address these long-term symptoms, and keep an open line of communication between you and them when they need to be in between therapy sessions.

These important steps can help you and your child seek the medical, legal, and professional help you all deserve to not only hold the abuser responsible but to gain the support you all deserve.


What Should I Do If I Think My Child Has Been Sexually Abused?

If you have a suspicion that your child may have been sexually abused, the first thing you want to do is remove them from the alleged source of abuse. You then want to carefully approach your child and listen to anything they feel comfortable sharing. Ensure they receive both medical attention and mental health counseling while the investigation unfolds.

Do Mandated Reporters Report Past Abuse in California?

Mandated reports in California are required to report any suspicion of child abuse they may have. This is true even if it happened in the past and they suddenly connected the dots on what they observed. Their reports will be filtered to both local authorities and child protective services so they can document the information and begin their own investigation process. In California, past abuse is taken just as seriously as recent events.

Can a Doctor Tell If a Child Has Been Molested?

Doctors may be able to detect certain signs of suspicion that a child has been sexually abused during a physical examination. They might spot injuries like bruising or tears in sensitive areas that would raise suspicion. While this does not always indicate that someone was sexually abused, these observations cannot be unexplored. This is why it’s important to prioritize your child’s annual physical exams as another method to spot this abuse.

What Is the Most Common Identified Symptom in Sexually Abused Children?

Any behavior that is sudden and dramatic can be a strong indication that a child has experienced some form of sexual abuse. For example, you may start to become suspicious of this if your child suddenly is distant from close friends and family, they usually spend a lot of time with. The same can apply if they start to become easily irritated over the smallest of things. Recognizing and addressing these signs early on can help your child heal faster.

Contact DeMarco Law Firm Today

If you have discovered or are suspicious that your child is being sexually abused by their coach in California, you need to take immediate legal action to secure justice and prevent this from happening to another child. Contact us today at DeMarco Law Firm to learn more about our approach to investigating child sex abuse and holding perpetrators accountable for these heinous acts.