What Happens During a Sexual Abuse Investigation at LAUSD Schools?

When allegations of sexual abuse emerge, formal investigations are launched to determine what happened and immediately protect students. These are crucial investigations for protecting victims, but they also work to hold negligent school officials and offenders accountable. For parents and students, however, the process can be overwhelming, and many ask, “What happens during a sexual abuse investigation at LAUSD schools?”

Understanding the Reporting of Sexual Abuse Allegations

Reports of sexual abuse in LAUSD schools can come from various sources, including the following:

  • Other students who saw the sexual misconduct happening
  • School administrators, staff, or teachers
  • The victim themselves or their parents
  • Child Protective Services
  • Law enforcement

Under California law, all school employees are mandatory reporters. This means they are required to report any suspected abuse to Child Protective Services or law enforcement right away. If they fail to do so, they can face criminal charges, and the school district can face civil litigation.

The Next Steps After a Report Is Made

After sexual abuse allegations have been reported, various individuals and agencies may be involved, including the following:

  • Law enforcement. These officers are responsible for investigating any criminal behavior that may have taken place in the allegations.
  • Child Protective Services. CPS must assess whether a victim who is a minor faces any imminent danger and requires further protection.
  • LAUSD’s Title IX office. This office has a mandate to investigate cases regarding sexual abuse and harassment under federal law.
  • School administrators. Administrators conduct internal investigations to determine what school policies were breached.

What Happens During the Investigation Process

After the school has been notified of any allegations of sexual harassment or abuse, they must put immediate safety measures into effect. This involves separating the alleged victim from the perpetrator. They may opt for a no-contact order, restricting interaction between the victim and the offender, or placing the accused staff member on administrative leave.

During LAUSD’s investigative process, they will interview all relevant parties, including the accused individuals, witnesses, and victim or victims. They may review crucial evidence, such as video security footage, previous complaints, emails, and text messages. Furthermore, counseling reports or medical examinations may be leveraged as further evidence to understand the facts involved.

While LAUSD’ conducts its investigations, separate but parallel investigations may occur by Title IX investigators and law enforcement. The school is required to follow Title IX protocols, and it cannot interfere with police investigations.

Outcome and Disciplinary Action

If LAUSD finds that the evidence collected supports the victim’s claim, disciplinary action will be taken against the staff member. This may involve putting them on administrative leave or terminating them. If applicable, law enforcement may choose to press criminal charges. The victim in question may receive various measures for support, such as therapy and academic accommodation.

What Happens If LAUSD Mishandles an Investigation?

If LAUSD mishandles a case, ignores a complaint, or fails to act adequately, families can pursue compensation. An experienced attorney can explain the various legal options you may have for your case, such as filing a Title IX complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, filing a government claim, and filing a civil claim against LAUSD.


What Should I Do If My Child Reports Sexual Abuse at an LAUSD School?

If your child reports sexual abuse at an LAUSD school, it’s crucial to ensure their immediate safety and provide them with a safe space where they can talk about what happened. You should immediately report the incident to law enforcement, school administrators, and Child Protective Services. Be sure to gather crucial evidence, including medical reports, communication logs, and proof of signs of abuse. As soon as possible, reach out to a skilled legal professional.

How Are Sexual Abuse Allegations Handled at LAUSD Schools?

At LAUSD schools, sexual abuse allegations are handled according to a specific protocol, including an immediate reporting of the situation to the principal and the Title IX office of LAUSD. If necessary, Child Protective Services and law enforcement are notified. An internal investigation should be conducted while balancing the safety and confidentiality of the victim.

If necessary, protective measures can be implemented, such as preventing the perpetrator from contacting students or other staff.

Who Conducts the Investigation?

The investigation may involve various agencies and individuals, including the school’s Title IX coordinator, who is responsible for handling all sexual misconduct cases. If the case involves any type of criminal behavior, law enforcement may be involved as well. Child Protective Services may be contacted when the victim is a minor. Furthermore, LAUSD’s internal investigation teams, who go over policy violations, could be involved as well.

Will My Child Be Forced to Speak During the Investigation?

Although your child will likely be asked to give a statement for the investigations, it is unlawful for them to be forced into participating. It’s crucial to note, however, that their testimony could be paramount in improving your case. An empathetic and skilled legal professional and counselor can work closely together to support the child during questioning to ensure their emotional well-being.

What Immediate Actions Will the School Take?

Immediate actions that the school may take to protect the alleged victim may include taking the alleged perpetrator – whether it be a teacher, student, or staff member – off campus. The school may arrange a no-contact order between the victim and the accused. Finally, the student may be linked to counseling and other support services to help them cope with and process their abuse.

Legal Support During Your Sexual Abuse Investigation Case Involving LAUSD Schools

Unfortunately, sexual abuse cases involving negligence or wrongful behavior on behalf of LAUSD are not uncommon. Therefore, a skilled legal professional from DeMarco Law Firm can work closely with you and your family during these investigations. Our team can make sure the school district is doing what they should. If we find a discrepancy in protocol – such as a failure to report or adequately respond to allegations – we can help you take the right legal action.

Contact a compassionate attorney from our firm to learn more about our services.