Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Sexual Abuse Lawyer

DeMarco Law Firm > Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Sexual Abuse Lawyer
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Sexual Abuse Attorney

If you or a loved one has been subject to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) sexual abuse, you are not alone. LAUSD, the largest school district in California, has a track record of sexual abuse lawsuits against them, holding them accountable for not keeping their students safe. Dedicated LAUSD sexual abuse attorneys from DeMarco Law Firm can support you with obtaining the compensation you are entitled to for your LAUSD sexual abuse case.

The LAUSD Sexual Abuse Legal Team at DeMarco Law Firm

At DeMarco Law Firm, we bring decades of experience and skill to bring your sexual abuse case to justice. Our firm has been working solely in childhood sexual abuse cases in California for over the past 20 years. Although other personal injury lawyer firms may also take on different kinds of liability cases in addition to childhood sexual abuse, our firm has a sole dedication to this area of the law, positioning us to provide excellent legal representation.

DeMarco Law Firm works with a plethora of insiders to investigate cases and bring up robust evidence to win lawsuits. As childhood sexual abuse is a particularly sensitive topic, it is critical to work with an attorney who is compassionate and provides skilled, trauma-informed care. Our legal team has a track record of successfully representing over 400 survivors of sexual childhood abuse in Los Angeles, California, helping them receive the compensation they are entitled to.

Defining Sexual Abuse in School Systems

Sexual abuse that takes place in the school includes any behavior, action, or sexual conduct on behalf of school staff or teachers that is targeted at a student. Sexual abuse in school may include abuse by teachers, abuse by coaches, and abuse by youth organizations on campus.

As sexual misconduct or abuse may not always be explicit, and children may not always know the signs, many students are not aware that they are experiencing sexual abuse while it is happening. Therefore, many individuals may not choose to come forward until they are well into adulthood.

Pursuing Compensation for Your LAUSD Sexual Abuse Case

Individuals or their loved ones who have been subject to sexual abuse in LAUSD or another school district have the right to pursue monetary compensation for damages under California law. By pursuing litigation against the individuals and organizations liable for your childhood sexual abuse case, not only can you receive adequate financial composition to cover resulting injuries and damages, but you can also hold individuals accountable to restore justice to the situation.

Compensation for sexual abuse in an LAUSD school can involve payouts for both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages associated with your case could include hospital bills or healthcare expenses associated with physical injuries from the abuse, as well as visits with mental health professionals and medication to manage resulting mental health conditions.

Non-economic damages, including those from pain and suffering and mental anguish, can be more difficult to calculate. An experienced litigator from DeMarco Law Firm can help determine the extent of your economic and non-economic damages, as well as the past, present, and future expenses associated with damages from your case, to determine a comprehensive amount you are entitled to. They will fight on your behalf in court to secure your optimal settlement.

Existing Litigation Involving LAUSD

There have been multiple accounts of child abuse brought forward by current and former students attending schools in LAUSD. Such cases involve perpetrators such as coaches and teachers, in which LAUSD avoided their responsibility of adequately responding to the situation and putting in place comprehensive frameworks to protect students.

For example, pedophile Mark Berndt was a teacher in the LAUSD who was systematically abusing, assaulting, and sexually harassing students at Miramonte Elementary School. LAUSD has paid out more than $140 million in compensation for damages done by this teacher, with dozens of students being affected.

Another teacher, Lino Cabrera, was found to be guilty of sexually abusing ten girls between the ages of 10 and 11 at LAUSD’s Oxnard Street Elementary between 2016 and 2019. LAUSD was sued for negligence for violating district policies and insufficiently training teachers to report certain types of abuse.

What To Do if You or Your Child Has Been Abused in an LAUSD School

If you have experienced sexual assault, harassment, or abuse in an LAUSD school, the compassionate and skilled sexual abuse legal team at DeMarco Law Firm is here to provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can share your side of the story. Depending on your case, you may be able to sue the following liable parties:

  • The abuser. The individual who carried out the abuse, such as a school volunteer, employee, coach, teacher, or religious leader, can be sued directly for wrongdoing and harm caused.
  • Individuals who fail to report the instance. Under state and local regulations, as well as school district policies, specific people are required to report instances of abuse, even if it is only a suspicion. They are also required to come forward with key evidence.
  • The school where the abuse happened. You can pursue litigation against the school where the sexual abuse took place by holding them accountable for wrongdoing or neglect that allowed sexual abuse to happen or persist. Furthermore, it is possible to pursue litigation against the individual who hired the abuser if they fail to carry out certain hiring criteria.
  • LAUSD. The school district itself can be sued for wrongdoing or neglect.

Together, we will work to pursue an optimal legal plan that restores justice to the situation and holds LAUSD and other responsible actors accountable for what happened.

Fight Back Against Los Angeles Unified School District Sexual Abuse Today

Although it can be overwhelming to face school sexual abuse cases, it is critical to ensure that teachers, staff, and school districts are held accountable for negligence or wrongdoing. By working with an empathetic and diligent attorney from DeMarco Law Firm, we will collect evidence and create a legal strategy that supports your experience, fighting to bring justice to your case. Contact us today to discuss your options if you have been abused in an LAUSD school.

Practice Areas

Youth Serving Organizations
LAUSD Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse
by Clergy
Sexual Abuse
by Teachers
Athletic Coach Abuse
Youth Serving Organizations
LAUSD Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse
by Clergy
Sexual Abuse
by Teachers
